To receive YSPOR funding, projects must have either a research/ evaluation component or develop capacity relating to health in the Yukon.
YSPOR has five funding program streams, which are outlined below and have application forms linked. Please follow the YSPOR Funding Guidelines when applying for funding. Applicants are encouraged to reach out to discuss their projects and get assistance in filling out the applications. If you have a project idea for your community, we want to hear from you!
Amount: Scope dependent. Typically broken down into awards of $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, or $15,000.
Who can apply: First Nation governments and community organizations; or Indigenous Yukon residents taking the MCAT.
What it’s for: This is intended to be flexible, barrier free funding for community organizations to explore Indigenous health research priorities, foster awareness about health, or that further YSPOR strategic priorities. Yukon Indigenous residents who are applying to medical programs can apply for funds to cover MCAT registration fees and travel expenses to MCAT testing centres.
Amount: up to $35,000
Who can apply: Yukon organizations and communities, and university researchers working in the Yukon.
What it’s for: Community research that aims to improve the health and/or wellbeing of Yukon residents, with priority given to projects that support the wellbeing of First Nations in Yukon. This funding would be available for two broad areas: Yukon organizations and communities to build health research and program capacity in the Yukon, and university researchers or health professionals (a clinician, nurse or other health professional) working actively in Yukon to employ Indigenous people and local residents in conducting research, with a view to building research capacity among Indigenous and Yukon residents. This funding would be held by the Nominated Principal Applicant or Co-Applicants, but is not intended to supplement their salaries, nor the salaries of students enrolled in graduate programs doing their thesis or other research under the Applicant’s research program.
Amount: $5,000 – $15,000 (stipend)
Who can apply: Yukon University students and faculty supervisors. Preference given to Indigenous applicants.
What it’s for: Support for students and a student’s faculty supervisor to build capacity among YukonU students studying in a health-related field, for growing knowledge in patient-oriented research and research skills. Stipends/salary for students, post-doctoral fellows, research assistants, and technicians directly involved in the research development activities of the award recipient. Not intended to supplement the salary of the YukonU Faculty Supervisor applicant, nor to support research directly.
Amount and who can apply: $19,000/year for Master’s students and $24,000/year for PhDs (stipend). Preference given to Indigenous applicants.
What it’s for: Scholars or individuals working on patient/community-oriented research projects independently. Priority goes to projects with the support of Yukon First Nation governments. Stipend to go towards tuition, training, conferences or living expenses for individuals enrolled in MSc, MD or PhD program. Is not intended to directly support research; however, the applicant’s thesis must pertain to YSPOR strategic priorities.
Amount: Scope dependent, up to $1,200.
Who can apply: Yukon Indigenous students applying for entrance into post-secondary health programs.
What it’s for: Barrier free funding to support expenses of Indigenous students enrolled in any health program. Considers individuals enrolled in Grade 12 within the last 5 years and who are now starting post-secondary programs.