Is YSPOR an acronym? What does it stand for?
YSPOR is an acronym for Yukon Strategy For Patient-oriented Research
Involvement / Engagement
How can I get involved with YSPOR?
You can be involved with YSPOR in many ways: joining us as a Person With Lived Experience expert, building health-research capacity in your community, and much more. Contact us if you have an idea of how you’d like to be involved or get YSPOR’s support and we’d be more than happy to discuss! yspor@yukonu.ca
What is an advisory group?
Advisory groups help guide decisions and/or give advice on different initiatives, and are made up of people with different experiences and expertise. YSPOR advisory groups provide operational input and advise on specific health research projects.
If you are interested in becoming part of a YSPOR advisory group or would like to learn more, please contact us at yspor@yukonu.ca
Patient-Oriented Research
What is patient-oriented research (POR)?
YSPOR applies a broad understanding of the term “patient”, including not only individual people with lived experience (PWLE) of the health system and their families or caregivers, but also communities, with an emphasis on Indigenous communities, and Yukon First Nations. Our goal is to help improve health outcomes for all Yukon people by learning from those who have lived experience. We hope to amplify the voices of people and communities by engaging them as partners in research.
We also have a variety of resources available in our resource library on POR if you’d like to learn more!